Karnov's Revenge
Platform Neo Geo AES
Genre 2D Fighter; Action; Fighting; Multiplayer
Publisher Data East, SNK
Developer Data East
Release Date 4/28/1994
Series Karnov
Personal Details
My Rating
Index 232
Collection Status In Collection
Original Yes
Completed No
Product Details
Format Cartridge
Region USA
Language English
No. of Disks 1

(known as "Fighter's History Dynamite" in Japan)

A 2D one-on-one fighter released in the midst of the genre's heyday, Karnov's Revenge ups the ante with bizarro characters including Data East's quasi-mascot/anti-hero Karnov, the overweight Russian...wrestler?...from the eponymous 1987 platformer. His occupation is listed as "Oracle" and his likes include "treasure, power, ladder." Another character--Clown--is described as "Though he became very popular in the circus scene, he made up his mind to go on a journey, to meet an attractive male fighter and to become the world's strongest clown defeating Karnov." OK then.

Also includes a mildly innovative "weak point" system--hit the flashing area 3 times to break off the piece of armor and dizzy the opponent--with the typical salacious exploitation one would expect.
Instructions Baggie