Pulstar |
Description |
CONVERSION FROM MVS TO AES Horizontally scrolling shooter very--VERY--reminiscent of Irem's seminal R-Type. VERY reminiscent. This title features a Force-like buddy helper that can absorb bullets, and some of the level layouts are almost identical to R-Type's. Despite these similarities, it innovates by using pre-rendered 3D sprites (which look surprisingly good) and having game feel on the shot: charge for a big blast, or rapidly tap to hit a threshold and increase shot rate. Like R-Type, this game is VERY hard, requiring a lot of deliberate shooting and memorization, but also pretty darn good. Pulstar was followed by Blazing Star, which some consider to have a better challenge balance. Having now added Blazing Star to my collection, I can say that the two are very different games. Pulstar is very much a memorization and purely technical game, where Blazing Star adds strategy and a complex scoring system. My copy is a conversion from an arcade cart, and has a pretty crappy cover custom-printed for it. |
Notes |
Cart (conversion; no label), Case (reprint/composite) |