Zupapa! |
Description |
US VERSION An obscure title from Face, Zupapa! was shown in the early 90s, then thought "lost" until NeoGeoFreaks published it in 2001. Speaking as a fan of Face titles--often weird, risky games--I have to admit that maybe it should have stayed lost. It initially appears like a Bubble Bobble-style single screen platformer, but the gameplay is actually closer to Toaplan's Snow Bros or some of the weirder Taito platformers that tried to build on Bubble Bobble. The players collect "Zooks" (who resemble miniature versions of the players), then hurl them at enemies to stun them, then destroy the stunned enemies who explode relative to the number of Zooks. The game is colorful, but kinda bland, which is a shame. |
Notes |
Cart, Case, Instructions, Instructions Baggie |